
Worry About Your Own Backyard

Worrying about other people's business seems to be the norm these days. Other people's business seems to be more interesting than our own. The reason for this is because we never want to act on our own business. Some of us would rather put our own lives on the Shelf and put other people's lives on pedestals. This can be due to fear of failure. Living life vicariously through others on false pretenses is very dangerous to the mind and even the spirit. The next thing you know you're living a life that's not your true self. Eventually your thought process won't feel authentic. It’s never okay to plagiarize somebody else's life because their life is not your story. The next thing you know if the person that you emulate feel sad then you will feel sad and if they feel happy then you will feel happy. Living life like this can end up missing out on your own goals and your dreams. If you’re not comfortable with being yourself figure out why. Once that’s figured out being to find solutions. This may take some constructive criticism with your own Inner Circle with friends and family members or even through professional therapy. Find someone you can trust to talk to and hold nothing back. This can be the start of finding your true self. Everyone is unique in their own way and there is no reason to plagiarize somebody else’s life. Life is too short, so let's all make sure we focus on our own backyards before anyone else’s.